PART 3 "...My new relationship didn't even last up to 4 months, I dumped him for a slight wrong he did and moved to another relationship. I got pregnant for him just 2 months we started dating. He wasn't someone I would love to marry and I wasn't ... Load more


"...My new relationship didn't even last up to 4 months, I dumped him for a slight wrong he did and moved to another relationship.

I got pregnant for him just 2 months we started dating. He wasn't someone I would love to marry and I wasn't ready to go into motherhood so I took the baby out without him knowing of both the pregnancy and ab.or.tion. I exited the relationship as well.

After getting rid of the pregnancy, I fell into serious depression. I stopped attending lectures, deleted my social media accounts, became very aggressive to people and was always indoors crying all day.

One day I stepped out to buy mineral and the little boy selling mineral told me that his drinks weren't chilled.

I flamed up and started shouting at him, asking him why he will bring out an unchilled drink to sell in the first place.

I was shouting at the top of my voice when a tall dark guy intervened to know why I was shouting at the small boy.

I switched my aggression to him immediately and this time I was shouting on top of my voice with tears in my eyes.

The guy just stood there looking at me as I was ranting. He wasn't embarrassed by the way I was talking to him and he didn't even talk back at me.

He just held me close and hugged me whispering "it's okay" to my ears... I broke down in tears right there in his arms. He just kept whispering "it's okay" and then he took out his Hankey and wiped my tears.

I felt embarrassed and didn't know if I should apologize or say thank you. He offered to walk me to where I would get a chilled drink and I nodded in affirmation.

He asked me to apologize to the little boy which I did and then we went to get the drink elsewhere. We got the drink and he also offered to take me home.

We got to my hostel, I gave him a seat and he asked what was annoying me so much to display what I did and why I was crying. I couldn't say a word cos each time I tried, tears will rush down.

He told me he has known me for quite a while from a distance and also noticed my recent odd behavior. He sensed something was wrong and has really been looking for opportunity to talk to me.

He talked to me for almost 30mins as though he was sent to tell me those healing words. He asked for my contact afterwards and left. I felt better and slept well that night..."