PART 1 "On Thursday I was going to see my mum, I was making a call and was almost close to the roundabout leading to my mum's house. Two women were seated in the front seat of the taxi I entered and another lady was sitting ... Load more


"On Thursday I was going to see my mum, I was making a call and was almost close to the roundabout leading to my mum's house.

Two women were seated in the front seat of the taxi I entered and another lady was sitting close to me.

The driver diverted to another road and I asked the him why since i was almost at the place I was supposed to alight.

He said he was looking for more passengers and I told him he'll still get passengers in front, yet he continued moving.

Next, a man entered the taxi and told me to drop the call. I dropped the called and asked him why he should order me to do so.

He didn't say anything, I hissed and dialed my friend's number to continue our conversation.

As I was talking on phone the man slapped me and said that he told me to drop the call and I was querying him.

He showed me a gun, covered my nose with a cloth and I became unconscious for as long as I couldn't tell.

When I woke up, I saw myself in a container with other girls and one of the female passengers with me on that taxi.

I asked the girls what happened and why we were there, they said they didn't know and they've been there for long. One of them said she has been there since Monday.

The container was on a truck in motion to an unknown destination. We got somewhere and they told us to come down.

They wore masks and blindfolded us, told us to hold our hands and enter a building. We entered the building and they removed the blindfolds.

We were 10 girls, the he house had no windows. they ordered us to undress ourselves, but I didn't remove my pant as I was on my period.

A woman whom I didn't know if she was a nurse or doctor came in with a marker and a man, both on masks.

She bisected us and drew two lines on our backs and crossed them, then circled my br.ea.sts, abdomen and pubic area; afterwards she gave us an injection which made our skin darker and dry, she gave us water which made us weak and drowsy.

We were left in the room and couldn't tell if it was day or night as it was very dark in there. The next day when we were told to come outside, we came out and I heard children's voices in the next room.

We were taken to a bush where I saw four big pots (like the ones used for cooking banga stew).

A man came and asked which of us was with a phone, but no one responded, so they gave us a human skull with cowries in the orbital cavities and we passed the skull to each of us.

Upon getting to one of us, the skull refused to leave her hands, indicating that she had a phone with her. They asked the lady whom she called and she said no one.

They asked her why she was with a phone and she said she didn't know she was still with her phone, and instantly they cut off her head.

It appeared that they had to r.a.p.e us before us, so when they got to me and asked why I was wearing pants and I said I was on my period.

Since the day they carried me I hadn't changed my pad, my pant was soaked and I was smelling badly.

They asked the woman who brought me why she didn't notice I was on my period, she said she thought there was no need since they wanted to use us for"