PART 3(FINAL PART) ...."By late January 2020, I came back to my landlady's place and she gave me one empty room to stay. She gave me a mat, wrapper and asked me to stay there pending when she'll rent out the room. She took me like ... Load more


...."By late January 2020, I came back to my landlady's place and she gave me one empty room to stay.

She gave me a mat, wrapper and asked me to stay there pending when she'll rent out the room.

She took me like her son, her children loved me especially her last daughter. I helped them with some chores like fetching water, errands etc.

When they cook, they'll first call me to come and take mine before they eat, they showed me love my brother didn't show me.

To my surprise, one day my landlady's son accused me of sleeping with his sister because of our closeness which God in heaven knows I never did, I never for one day had the thought in me.

This caused serious issue in their family, he asked me to pack out of their house.
I had to leave and went to stay with my immediate elder Sister who just rented her own apartment.

This was how I kept packing and leaving from one place to another.

Things were moving well for some months before my Sister decided to change to something I don't know.. Whenever we have little misunderstanding as siblings, she will take it extremely, say really hurtful words to me, remind me that my mates are living alone while I'm still squatting, she will tell me I irritate her, I have body odour etc

One night we had little issue and she started abusing me with her words again and out of anger I slapped her, I even threatened to stab her if she ever talk to me in that manner again. I meant every word I said cos she went too far.

It was when I calmed down that I realized I took a very wrong action. I went to her the next morning, Knelt down and asked her for forgiveness, i really such action till today.

I was still working at the fuel station, that woman that was my surety was still very nice to me. I was saving the money she gives me at intervals plus my salary until I saved up to 90k and started looking for an apartment to rent.

While looking for an apartment, my cousin bro came from Owerri to Abia state and was also was in need of an apartment.

I already decided that I wanted to stay alone and focus but because it was my brother involved, I accepted for us to merge our money and we got an apartment

We had nothing in our apartment. No curtain, tiles, rug or carpet, hanger, chair, or even home appliances.

It was just a Small student bed belonging to my cousin brother, my school bag where i pack my clothes and his own bag.

We will always shut our door to avoid anyone looking inside our empty room.

We don't dare invite anyone to our house so they won't see what our room looked like.

I thought of a business to do and decided on roasting pork meat. I bought all the materials I needed.

Getting a spot for my business wasn't easy at all but I eventually got and I started roasting pork meat by the roadside.

The business is paying off more than I expected even though it is something so stressful.

Today to the glory of God, I single-handedly rented a new apartment just few weeks ago and I'm living comfortably.

I have all the home properties a bachelor should have and I'm still doing my business. I can now invite my younger ones to stay with me.

Now people tell me they wish to be like me or have the things I have but they do not know my story nor see my scars.

They're just seeing the Glory of God.. My cousin bro is also doing well for himself.