The subject with low attendance
Go to further maths class and check how many people are offering it. Observe the growth of the class from ss1 to ss3. You will notice that the number of students have dropped. Some students you see offering it in ss3 might not even write ... Load more
Go to further maths class and check how many people are offering it. Observe the growth of the class from ss1 to ss3. You will notice that the number of students have dropped. Some students you see offering it in ss3 might not even write further maths in waec. Further maths is hard I admit that but it is also interesting. It requires a lot of time to practice. It helps you in maths when you get to university. As you know practice makes perfect. Strive to know further maths
Recent Comments
That's good
Omo, it wasn't easy but glad I did it while in highschool.
I love maths
Seems @Nifemi is a mathematician
That's good you can't know anything if you don't practise it
Further maths mad pass math. Consistency and hardwork is the key
Math is hard