The strange man 2 Months later, I moved on and tried to forget the incident that happened, nobody believed what I saw anyways,it was a bright shining afternoon coming back from school, I decide to take the lonely road that leads to my house, people ... Load more

The strange man 2

Months later, I moved on and tried to forget the incident that happened, nobody believed what I saw anyways,it was a bright shining afternoon coming back from school, I decide to take the lonely road that leads to my house, people hardly pass this place, it is a good place to hide from people, I was curious and disturbed about the activities happening around me, I perceived a strong smell of liquor and urine, and I sensed a dark cloud following me, I turned around and there he is, my worst nightmare, the one who took my Dad away, I staggered to the back a bit, with fears all over me, he looked at me for a while and passed me by, he was dressed in a long cloak, I could still feel his aura of dominant and terror as he walked past me towards a neighbouring house in our neighborhood, I ran and took another route to my house, I got into my house frightened and locked all the doors because of the fear of the strange man taking me away just as he took Dad, I kept my encounter with him again to myself because I know no one who believe me.
That evening I heard an old man living in that house passed away, strangely it was the direction of that house I saw the strange man heading to, I knew no one is going to believe me, I kept quiet and moved on with living my life with fear of the strange man.