The fear of most student
The fear of most student is mathematics. Students think mathematics is hard and difficult. I guarantee you it is not. To become good at Maths, you need to be consistent in solving more of maths questions and believe in yourself that you can do it. ... Load more
The fear of most student is mathematics. Students think mathematics is hard and difficult. I guarantee you it is not. To become good at Maths, you need to be consistent in solving more of maths questions and believe in yourself that you can do it. Consult does who know better than you. Meeting those who know better than you doesn't remove anything from you infact it adds to your knowledge. Hardwork is the key to success.
Recent Comments
Besides, I'm super good in mathematics
True talk. That's wisdom
Maths is not as hard as it seems. Most student don't know that
Practice makes perfect holds true for mathematics
Practice begets mastering
Baba, maths is hard, no even try sugar quote am