PART 6(FINAL) "I left there and stopped visiting him but was in contact with his mom who involved his elder brothers and his uncle. I understood that they weren't interested in anything about him because of his bad attitude towards them. After some time, I ... Load more


"I left there and stopped visiting him but was in contact with his mom who involved his elder brothers and his uncle. I understood that they weren't interested in anything about him because of his bad attitude towards them. After some time, I involved my mom who helped me get a lawyer for him.

After so many back and forth for a month, he was granted bail,but his car still remained in police custody cos they said it would be auctioned and the money they realized would be sent to the hotel owner.

He became worse after he was bailed, started being unnecessarily aggressive and bitter. I was so mad at how ungrateful he was, I also felt it was because of his car so I begged my mom to help me pull some big strings which she did.

I already made up my mind that once I get his car out for him, I'd take a bow from that relationship for good. I was still in contact with him but started keeping my distance

I broke down from stress, my mum told me to stop appearing in court, that she'd pay the lawyer to follow up the case till the end.

After 7 months of back and forth at the court with the police, his car was released to him and he didn't even tell me. I found out when I called my lawyer to know the outcome of the previous seating and he told me that the car had been released a week ago.

It was at that point that I felt like something opened my eyes to see how stupid I've been all these while in the name of love and how selfish and ungrateful my boyfriend has been.

I felt like a used rag! I was so mad at myself for being so lazy to walk out of a relationship that was clearly draining me.

I returned his engagement ring back to him and told him I was done. He didn't apologize as usual because he felt I would always come back after leaving just the way I did thrice. Little did he know that my mind was made up.

I told my mom about my breakup, told her all the things I've gone through in his hands. She was shocked that I never told her all these while. I've always presented him as a good person to her and my siblings. I never complained to them.

After two months, he started calling me to apologize. He told his friends to beg me, telling me he was now a changed person etc. I stood my grounds that I was done.

It was like a movie to him. Next thing he started framing me to whoever cared to listen, told them that I cheated on him and dumped him because his money had finished. I heard all he said and kept my cool.

After 3 months I was surprised to get a call from his mom. She thanked me for all I did for them and her son particularly. She asked if I was still in contact with him and I said no and she told me bluntly to move on happily with my life, that I'm too good and his son doesn't deserve any bit of me, that even if he comes begging, I shouldn't listen to him.

I didn't expect those words from her at all, I thanked her and ended the call.

I took enough time to work on myself, attended relationship seminars, and started focusinf more on myself.

And I now love the new me. I now know to always put myself first in any relationship. After two years, I met the one who was meant for me and we got married.

My ex's mom and sister attended my wedding with gifts. They've also being in contact with me till today but we've not seen physically since then.

Telling this story now, I can't believe I was so naive to that extent and I wasted 3 whole years of my life. It wasn't even like I was desperate for marriage cos if it was the case, I would have allowed him go ahead with the marriage rites when he wanted to. I was just someone with a big heart that felt I could change him and make him a better man not knowing that some people never change.

Truth is so many women are like me and they end up in a hell of a marriage even after seeing this red flags with the hope of changing a man that doesn't want to be changed. At the end, it results to a broken marriage for those who have the courage to leave.

If I begin to narrate the love and peace I'm experiencing with my husband now, it's like a fairytale which I'm sure I would never have known if I had still remained with my ex. "