My God, When?

MY GOD, WHEN? Part 10. "I guess you went astray, dear" The woman said. I didn't utter a single word. I wondered where the woman came from. I didn't meet anyone when I entered the bush. "What could have brought her here?" I asked no one ... Load more


Part 10.

"I guess you went astray, dear" The woman said.

I didn't utter a single word.

I wondered where the woman came from.

I didn't meet anyone when I entered the bush.

"What could have brought her here?" I asked no one in particular.

I never knew she read my mind.

"My dear, as I was about going home, Holy Spirit instructed me to enter this bush.

He told me a young lady was about to commit suicide. At first, I was reluctant. I lost my peace. I had no choice. I dragged myself to this bush, only to meet you weeping.

Well, I just don't know why He brought me here. I don't know you. I don't know what you've been through.

But, I sense you went astray.

Nevertheless, I am here to bring you back home, dear.

For God to bring me here, it means God is not yet done with you. He has a great plan for your life.

Yes dear, it is not yet over for you". The woman said.

I wept when I heard "it is not yet over for you".

I didn't know when I asked her to repeat what she said.

She did.

She repeated it over and over again, that it wasn't over for me.

"You mean it is not yet over for a lady without womb?" I asked.

The woman was shocked to her marrow. She opened her mouth trying to utter some words but words weren't coming for some minutes.

"There is still hope for you". She said.

"Which kind nonsense hope? I have no womb, you're saying there is still hope for me. Can you allow your son to marry someone like me?

Which hope are you talking about. Or will new womb begin to grow all of a sudden?" I asked sarcastically.

"Dear, there is nothing God cannot do. God is a God of second chance. He still loves you." She said.

"Please, don't tell me that rubbish! How will you tell me God loves me despite all I've done. I aborted four times. I was deeply rooted in pornography and mastubation. I committed a lot of attrocities.

I'm useless. I feel dirty. I feel valueless. Please, allow me to end this useless life of mine." I cried.

"You will not do such evil. Dear, I know devil want to take this beautiful life of yours. He is really determined to ruin your life completely. Yes, you've opened the door for him. He want to complete his mission in your life." She said.

"Which mission?" I asked sarcastically.

"Dear, the devil sneaked into your life as a thief. He entered your life to steal the great potentials in you. He came to kill your beautiful soul. He came to destroy you.

His intention was for you to die with those great potentials in you. Yes, you are supposed to die empty. To die as a fulfilled person. You are meant to die after fulfilling your purpose in life. You are meant to die after impacting lives with that great treasures deposited deep inside of you.

Dear, you want to die, right?

Do you think God will be happy with you?

Imagine if you have a daughter. You sent her on an errand to sell some tomatoes for you. On getting back home, she told you she made no sale. She came back home just like the way you sent her.

Now, will you ever be happy with that daughter?

Will you feed her that night?

If you die, your generation will never forgive you for denying them of the impacts they ought to have received from you.

If you die now, you will never be remembered for good.

If you die now, the whole world will never forgive you.

You were meant to impact lives. You were meant to liberate souls from the pit of the devil." She said.

I wept bitterly. Tears flowed freely. I couldn't stop it.

"Ma, I know I've gone wrong. I've gone astray. I have missed it.

Can anything good still come out of me. Can I still impact lives? Can I still fulfill my purpose in life? Is it not too late for me?" I asked.

"Dear, it's not too late for you. Thank God you're still alive.

Dear, let us take it one step at a time. You need to give your life to Christ.

Trace your steps back to God. He is ready and willing to forgive you.

Tell God you're coming home." She said.

I knelt. I cried my eyes out.

I didn't know when I began to sing????

"Lord, I'm coming home".

1 I致e wandered far away from God,
Now I知 coming home;
The paths of sin too long I致e trod,
Lord, I知 coming home.
Chorus: Coming home, coming home,
Nevermore to roam;
Open wide Thine arms of love;
Lord, I知 coming home.

2 I致e wasted many precious years,
Now I知 coming home;
I now repent with bitter tears,
Lord, I知 coming home.

3 I知 tired of sin and straying, Lord,
Now I知 coming home;
I値l trust Thy love, believe Thy word;
Lord, I知 coming home.

4 My soul is sick, my heart is sore,
Now I知 coming home;
My strength renew, my hope restore:
Lord, I知 coming home.

5 My only hope, my only plea,
Now I知 coming home;
That Jesus died, and died for me;
Lord, I知 coming home.

6 I need His cleansing blood, I know,
Now I知 coming home;
O wash me whiter than the snow;
Lord, I知 coming home.


I sang with the whole of my heart.

Something happened.

To be continued.
