My God, When?

MY GOD, WHEN? Part 9. I was deceived! I never knew Daniel was playing on my emotions. I never knew he could ever betray me. When I needed him the most, he turned me down. My love for him became questionable. "Daniel, do you still love ... Load more


Part 9.

I was deceived!

I never knew Daniel was playing on my emotions. I never knew he could ever betray me.

When I needed him the most, he turned me down.

My love for him became questionable.

"Daniel, do you still love me?" I asked.

He managed to utter a simple "yes".

"Daniel, can you marry a lady without womb? " I asked.

His response threw me off balance.

"Damilola, I know you really tried for me. I'm going to pay you back soon, in the future.

I can't marry you since you have no womb. I can't marry you because of your family background. Your parents will not like you to marry a pauper like me. We are totally different. Our levels are different" Daniel said.

To be sincere with you, I almost slapped him. I wanted to hit him with my shoe.

I wanted to bite him.

I could not.

I cried my eyes out.

" You mean you cannot marry me after all I've done for you? You mean you cannot marry me after aborting pregnancies for you? You mean you cannot marry me, after I accommodated you for years?" I said in tears.

"I'm sorry, Damilola, it is over between us. I know you don't deserve this. You are such a very kind lady. But, I'm so sorry, marriage is a no go area for us" Daniel said.

"You said you love me, Daniel. Why are you changing your mind again?" I asked.

I was praying deep inside of me, for him to have a change of mind.

But, I was wrong.

He didn't change his mind.

Little did I know that the love between Daniel and Darasimi waxed strong.

They were still deeply in love with each other.

I was actually the fool.

I begged Daniel to accept me. All, to no avail.

Daniel packed his things out of my apartment.

I felt like strangling him as he was packing his things. I almost caused a scene. I wanted to embarrass him publicly but, I refrained myself.

It dawned on me that I was used and dumped.

I wept bitterly ????????????????????.

I wept uncontrollably when I remembered the man that asked for my hand in marriage. He was supposed to by my husband, but I sent him out of my life.

Now, he is happily married after a year I turned his proposal down.

My mum's nightmares came to pass.

????I forgot to tell you that I was among one of the best students in my department. Yes, I was still focused despite the fact that I was into a relationship.

My dad was so proud of me. ????All my sexual scandals were hidden from him.

I was a godly lady whenever I visited my parents. I behaved well. I pretented to be a burning Christian lady. Yes, I was an hypocrite.

My mum was such an inquisitive woman. Very sensitive woman. She sensed I had erred. She tried asking me questions to know where I was missing it.

I played the game well, so that she would not get to know about my campus life. Smartly!

I was employed immediately after school.

No man to call my fiancée.

My life was broken. It was shattered.

For months, I was in search of Daniel's life. I was plotting his death.

I just wanted him gone.

I couldn't succeed.

I tried commiting suicide because I was tired of living.

I became an empty vessel.

My dreams were shattered.

I just couldn't find my root any more.

I didn't know when I went to the market to buy rope.

I went to the bush, ready to hang myself when I heard a voice.

"Damilola, have you seen what backsliding from God caused you?".

I wept.

I didn't know I came along with my phone. It was ringing.

I picked the call because it was a strange number. I tried to recognize the person I was speaking to.

It was my mum.

"Damilola, God still loves you. Don't commit that suicide". She said and ended the call.

I tried to process everything in my mind, I trembled.

I began to shake.

How did she know my plan? She must be a real witch. I said.

I sat, wept uncontrollably????????????????.

My life was finished. Nothing to write home about.

I was still weeping when a woman came to meet me where I was sitting.

To be continued