My God, When?

MY GOD, WHEN? ??????????? Part 17. "If you dare tell anyone about what happened between us, I'm going to skin you alive. Consider yourself dead. If you want to live long on this planet called EARTH, do yourself good by keeping your mouth shut". The message read. ... Load more

MY GOD, WHEN? ???????????

Part 17.

"If you dare tell anyone about what happened between us, I'm going to skin you alive. Consider yourself dead. If you want to live long on this planet called EARTH, do yourself good by keeping your mouth shut". The message read.

I know you'll be wondering who was the sender of the message.

"Well!" It was Bro Wale.

Many thoughts came to my mind.

I didn't want others to fall into his trap. I didn't want to die at the same time.

I decided not to tell anyone about it.

The following Sunday, I met him in the church. He was handling a section in the church despite the fact that he almost raped me.

"How will I be under a rapist ministeration?" I said out loud.

A lady beside me said "Sis, what did you just say?"

"I'm sorry, I never knew I said what was in my mind out. Never mind ma." I replied.

I became furious along the line when he started speaking in tongues. Funny enough, many people were catching the fire.

I stood and left the church. I couldn't bear it anymore.

" Dami, what if he has repented?" A voice asked.

I didn't bother to listen to the voice. I took my leave.

After service, many members reached out to me. Some paid me a visit. They asked why I left the church so soon. I told them I was indisposed. They prayed with me and took their leave.

Bro Wale's call came in. I felt like killing him. I wasn't ready to speak with him. I declined his call.

A text message entered.

"Sis Damilola, I noticed you left the church early today, I hope you are fine? I just want to check on you. Nevertheless, if you want to live long in life, keep your mouth shut." The message read.

I kept quiet. I believed his secret would never be secret for long.

I became a lady without a lover.

No man to call my husband - to be.

One Sunday morning, after the Sunday School, during the announcement, Bro Wale and Sis Dupe were called out. The pastor said he had a confession to make on behalf of them.

Everyone was ready to listen with rapt attention. I made sure my buttocks were well sitted on my chair.

He said Bro Wale and Sis Dupe fell into the sin of fornication.

Everyone shouted "Ahhhhhhhh!!!"

He told us that some months ago, Bro Wale told him he saw the will of God to Sis Dupe.

Immediately, a drop of tear came down from my eyes. So, since all this while, Bro Wale was double dating. He was in courtship with two sisters. I felt cheated. I was deceived.

"Well, thank God it didn't work." I manage to say.

"Bro Wale impregnated Sis Dupe" The pastor continued.

Everyone was humming and shouting "Ahhhhh" "Eeeeeeeh"...

"Well!" It was obvious that Sis Dupe was pregnant. I'm sure Bro Wale threatened her to abort the baby. She didn't.

So, the two of them were placed on discipline.

A lady raised her hand. The pastor permitted her to say whatever she wanted to say.

"Pastor, I am not a worker in your church but Bro Wale is a devil. I wonder why God hasn't shown you some of the atrocities your so called pastor under your ministry has been committing. This man you called a pastor raped me two weeks ago. He told me not to tell anyone if I wasn't ready to die any time soon. He raped me????????????!" She said.

I was speechless.

Everyone was speechless.

Another lady stood, to testify that he raped her as well.

It was as if the ground should swallow Bro Wale.

"Are they saying or telling the truth? Did you rape them? "The pastor asked.

Initially, he wanted to deny. Later on, he said " yes".

How many sisters have you slept with? The pastor asked.

"I have raped ehm ehm se-v-en." He stammered.

Everyone began to shout.

"Start calling their names out." The pastor said.

He called their names and they all came out.

I thought he was going to mention my name. He didn't.

God saved my head.

"Why did he rape you? I thought I warned ladies from going to brother's house? What did you go and do in his house? " The pastor asked a sister that was very close to him.

Bro Wale said I was possessed. He said I should meet him in his house for deliverance. I went to his house to be delivered of the evil spirit he said I had. Initially, he was praying for me. After sometime, he told me he had to sleep with me to complete the deliverance process. I tried to run away from him but his door was locked. He forced himself on me and threatened to kill me if I tell anyone about it." The lady said.

Another one said she was broke. She said Bro Wale was her companion. She told him he needed money to feed herself. Bro Wale asked her to come over to his place to get the money. On getting to his place, they began to talk... Before she could say jack, he was beside her.

She wanted to take to her heels but the door was locked. He forced himself on her and chased her out of his house like a goat, after he was done with his operation. He warned her not to tell anyone about it.

Fear of what he would do made many of us to be silent about the matter.

The shame was much for both parties. I mean Bro Wale and the sisters.

They were all told not to officiate in church again till further notice.

The sisters were asked to undergo therapy while Bro Wale was sued.

The pastor wanted to sweep the case under the carpet but, a woman who happened to be a legal practitioner took the case up. At least, to serve as a lesson to many other people in the church that are sheep in wolves' clothings.

In fact, the service ended soon. The pastor couldn't preach because he was shocked to his marrow.

At least, I wasn't the one that exposed him.

There is nothing that is hidden before God. In fact, go to any where, far from humans, the eyes of God is still there, watching you.

Wale thought he could threaten us. He thought he could cover his sins for long.

His sin found him. The shame was too much for him to bear.

I later narrated my ordeals to the pastor after the service was over. The man commended me for being brave.

"Sis Damilola, you're not getting young. How is your marital life?" The pastor asked.

"I believe God is bringing my man soon." I said.

He prayed for me and I left his office.

Days later, I met a very good friend of mine. I was glad to meet him again. We spoke at length. I later got to know that he wasn't married. In fact, he wasn't in a relationship.

"Could he be my man?"....

To be continued