
/???nt,???nt/ adjective (of a person) lean and haggard, especially because of suffering, hunger, or age. 'a tall, gaunt woman in black' synonyms: haggard, drawn, cadaverous, skeletal, emaciated, skin-and-bones, skinny, spindly, thin, over-thin, size-zero, spare, bony, angular, lank, lean, raw-boned, pinched, hollow-cheeked, hollow-eyed, lantern-jawed, scrawny, ... Load more

(of a person) lean and haggard, especially because of suffering, hunger, or age.
'a tall, gaunt woman in black'
synonyms: haggard, drawn, cadaverous, skeletal, emaciated, skin-and-bones, skinny, spindly, thin, over-thin, size-zero, spare, bony, angular, lank, lean, raw-boned, pinched, hollow-cheeked, hollow-eyed, lantern-jawed, scrawny, scraggy, shrivelled, wasted, withered, raddled, as thin as a rake, as thin as a reed, without an ounce of fat, looking like death warmed up, looking like a bag of bones, spindle-shanked, starveling