Does chrome and Firefox support websites with unstoppable domain?

Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, which are two of the most widely used web browsers, do not natively support websites with Unstoppable Domains or similar blockchain-based domain extensions like .crypto or .zil. These browsers primarily rely on the traditional DNS (Domain Name System) to resolve ... Load more

Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, which are two of the most widely used web browsers, do not natively support websites with Unstoppable Domains or similar blockchain-based domain extensions like .crypto or .zil. These browsers primarily rely on the traditional DNS (Domain Name System) to resolve domain names into IP addresses, and they do not have built-in support for blockchain domain resolution.

However, you can still access websites hosted on Unstoppable Domains or similar blockchain-based domains by using specialized tools and extensions. Here's how:

**1. Use a Decentralized Web Browser Extension:**
- Browser extensions like MetaMask and Unstoppable Extension (for Chrome and Firefox) are available. These extensions can help resolve blockchain domains and access decentralized websites.

**2. Access via a Decentralized Gateway:**
- Some blockchain-based hosting platforms provide decentralized gateways that allow you to access content hosted on blockchain domains through traditional web browsers. These gateways convert blockchain domain requests into formats that standard browsers can understand.

**3. Use Specialized Decentralized Browsers:**
- There are specialized decentralized web browsers designed explicitly for accessing blockchain domains and decentralized websites. Examples include the Brave browser with built-in Crypto Wallet and Opera browser's integration with Web3.