PART 3 "....He begged me to go and stay with my sister at the hospital till her husband comes. After much pleas, I went reluctantly. I got there, she saw me and couldn't utter a word. I just greeted her and sat down. The doctor said ... Load more


"....He begged me to go and stay with my sister at the hospital till her husband comes. After much pleas, I went reluctantly. I got there, she saw me and couldn't utter a word. I just greeted her and sat down.

The doctor said she can't do normal delivery cos the baby's heartbeat was already too high and the more the contractions, the higher the risk of loosing her baby so the only option was CS.

My sister refused and said her pastor assured her of giving birth like Hebrew woman. The doctor immediately referred us to another hospital.

I was not having it at all and her husband was still not there yet so I took her phone and called my mum cos my mum wouldn't pick if I call her with my line.

She picked and I went straight to the point so that she won't bang the call on me. She asked me to give my sister the phone and after some back and forth my sister gave in and then we left to FMC

We got there and the doctor said the same thing the previous doctor said, my sister asked him to commence with the CS. We were asked to deposit money before the surgery and it became another problem, my sister had only 20k. I called my boyfriend and he sent 30k making it 50k.

The doctor sedated her and commenced the surgery. Not up to 20mins I was called into the theater to bear witness that it was a stillbirth. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I was excused from the theater.

I called my mom immediately and told her what happened, she told me to hide it from my sister until she comes from the village.
It was after the call that my sister's husband came in and started asking me stupid questions.

I was so annoyed
and I just walked out without saying a word to him. I went home so I can freshen up and come back while her husband stays with her.

On my way home, I called my mom and asked her to tell my sister's husband what the situation was and what he should tell my sister about her baby. When I got there, my sister was already awake and her husband was there too.

She was in severe pains, I felt so bad for her. She asked me of her baby and I told her that whatever her husband told her was true, all she needs is to relax her mind, get enough strength and heal very well.

I stayed there with her for 1 whole week, sleeping on the floor and skipping work. It wasn't easy at all. I clean her everyday, change her pad, help her sit and lie whenever she wants and still put up with her queries of the whereabout of her baby.

My sister remained very ungrateful and rude to me. She never asked me if I had eaten or even thanked me or my boyfriend for coming to her aid. Her husband on the other hand left that same day he came. He comes every two days and doesn't bring money or food while coming.

My mom came, she told my sister what happened. It was a very hard pill for my sister to swallow, she created a huge scene. My mom managed to calm her down but my sister never stopped crying.

Her pastor and some members came to see her, they prayed for her and left without giving her a dime. I told my mom that I needed to go home and she obliged.

I resumed work and each day after work I go home to bring food and my cloth for the next day and head to the hospital. I went to work everyday from the hospital. This routine continued, my boyfriend took care of all the money I've been spending.

When it was time for my sister to get discharged, the hospital brought a bill of 200,000 and she had no money to pay so we started scampering for money.

My mum brought 40,000 I pleaded with my boyfriend again to help them and he gave me 60,000 which I gave my mom and she didn't ask me how I got it.

I left and that was the last time I saw my sister. I don't know how they got the rest of the money to settle the bill. I was just calling once in a while to check on her. I continued going to work and everything came back to normalcy for me.

After 2 months, I was at work when I got a call that my boyfriend had an accident with his bike, the person that hit him ran away and my boyfriend was being rushed to a nearby hospital. The news was a huge shock to me, I picked my bag and headed straight the hospital.

When I got to the hospital, I saw them at the gate and they told me the hospital rejected him. We went to another hospital from there and he was rejected as well. We finally went to Imo specialist hospital, they asked me to get a card for him and they admitted him immediately. They did the routine tests and commenced treatment..."